Kurt Christiansen
Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Christiansen is a Clinical Psychologist that specializes in helping people heal from trauma and to overcome debilitating depression and anxiety. He uses an integral approach, employing therapeutic modalities such as IFS (Internal Family Systems), Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, EMDR, and Spiritual Psychology. He believes IFS to be the most comprehensive and depthful approach to healing, especially when used in conjunction with somatic work.
Dr. Christiansen is considered an expert in Crisis Training and Empathy Development. His first book, The Crisis Intervention Manual, is now in its Third Edition and have been used in over 100 crisis and counseling centers worldwide.
Dr, Christiansen's foremost intention is to meet clients where they are with relentless empathy and compassion.
Dr. Christiansen is currently offering therapy online or by phone.
Please call or email if you wish to set up an initial consultation: 818-206-9470 or kurt at empathyworks.net
A 50-minute session is $250, and we can give you a bill to send to your insurance company for reimbursement.
Dr. Christiansen is also an artist. To view his latest Therapy Art, please visit: